Episode 8

May 20, 2024


Al's back, and we prepar for bali...

Hosted by

Paul Young Alan Shaw Brad Walker
Al's back, and we prepar for bali...
A Pair Of Old Jocks
Al's back, and we prepar for bali...

May 20 2024 | 01:08:01

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Episode Transcript

[00:00:17] Speaker A: Just stop you crying. It's a sign of the times. We gotta get away from here. Oh, hi, Gus. Hey. [00:00:26] Speaker B: Going. We're here. [00:00:28] Speaker C: Good evening, gentlemen. [00:00:29] Speaker B: Yep. [00:00:30] Speaker A: I was waiting for evening. [00:00:32] Speaker B: Yeah. Uh, cheers. [00:00:37] Speaker C: Oh, yes. [00:00:38] Speaker B: Top of the morning to you. [00:00:40] Speaker C: Uh, Uzo. Uzo and coke. [00:00:42] Speaker B: I got the, uh, the mango gin, I think this week. Again. Yep. Mango gin. [00:00:47] Speaker A: Have you guys ever noticed, have you, if you. Have you ever noticed that if when you log on to something like this or teams or something, your camera is backwards? [00:01:00] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:01:00] Speaker A: It's just like a mirror when you go, okay, I'm gonna flip it. I'm gonna flip it just so it's gonna be exactly like real life. But it's really hard to get things to go on the camera when, when it's real. It's like if you flip it back to the mirror thing, it's easy because used to looking at yourself in your mirror and doing stuff in the mirror. [00:01:19] Speaker B: Yes. Or else about face. So. [00:01:23] Speaker C: So in two weeks time. So then when we will have, um, you know, our, our traditional beginning. Where's the camera will be? Um, uh, bing tanks. [00:01:33] Speaker B: Yeah. I get something big. Bing tang. [00:01:38] Speaker A: Bing tang tools now. [00:01:39] Speaker B: Yeah. Tiger big. Yep. [00:01:44] Speaker A: Tiger's ball. I spent some time in, um, Thailand as, you know, as I don't shut up about it. But tigers just not the same as Bintang. Yeah, Bintang's awesome, you know, but cold. Cold bintang. But Tiger's like. It's boring. [00:02:03] Speaker B: Yeah, I'm. I'm looking everywhere. Let's see if I put the. That screen on that. Over on that screen for that. [00:02:10] Speaker A: Apologies to any thai people watching that. So what he cup, by the way. [00:02:15] Speaker B: Yeah, go. [00:02:17] Speaker C: Alright. [00:02:20] Speaker B: Before we get started, I'm just going to put this out there. I haven't had time to put the scores up, but I'm going to be putting a little scoreboard under our pictures on the amount of the music choices that get us copyright. [00:02:37] Speaker A: That's going to be me. Easy. [00:02:40] Speaker B: Ours up front with two. Brad's got one and I'm on zero. So I'm gonna put a score thing. So we keep a running tally on who gets this block the most. [00:02:52] Speaker C: But he's in the naughty corner. [00:02:55] Speaker B: Yeah. Because the last one we put up got banned. The blocks. Because Al picked a whole heap of music that the Internet. [00:03:02] Speaker C: Oh, I didn't watch other sprints. [00:03:06] Speaker B: Your prince was. Yeah, Prince got one blocked. [00:03:09] Speaker C: That was my one. [00:03:10] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:03:11] Speaker C: Okay. [00:03:11] Speaker B: But then Al picked, um, a couple that got blocked and they were, um. They were. They were big blocks. They weren't just like blocking it from certain areas and certain bits. So they were not blocked. So I had to go and dispute it. And it's now back up pending the dispute. So. But he got. [00:03:31] Speaker A: I actually have to, I actually have to mention, because I watched the, the episode, um, just yesterday. Yeah. [00:03:37] Speaker B: Come up to what's it. [00:03:38] Speaker A: Because we got blocked. [00:03:39] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:03:41] Speaker A: And, um, because. And I never, I never watch, I watch the first five minutes of an episode we're in and I'm like, yeah, it's okay, that's okay. But I actually watched that whole thing and I did notice you played the songs in the wrong order. Ah, so it's my fault for having a migraine and not being here. No, the idea was to play the song like China Girl and go or Betty Davis eyes was the best, best one. Play the song and go. Big song. In the eighties, did you know this was a remake? Can you believe it? And here's the original. Yeah, that was my intention. That was to go from the new one where everybody goes, oh, yeah, a good song. Really. That's remade. Here's the original. [00:04:27] Speaker B: Have you heard Taylor Swift's version of Betty Davis Eyes? [00:04:31] Speaker A: No, I haven't. But I might have a listen to that. [00:04:35] Speaker B: Yeah, you have to. I think you might search on, on YouTube because she did it in a concert during the concert show. [00:04:43] Speaker C: What? Recently in Australia. [00:04:44] Speaker A: Like Chris Martin. Chris Martin doing the bit like Chris Martin doing the tribute to Shane Warren. It was only. He only did it in the Perth concert. It was a song he wrote that morning. [00:04:54] Speaker C: He only. He only went to Perth. [00:04:57] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:04:59] Speaker C: I just want to, like he's. He's coming to Brisbane in November. [00:05:03] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:05:03] Speaker A: Not. But nowhere else in the world. Seriously. [00:05:14] Speaker C: Love you, Alf brother. [00:05:15] Speaker B: Yeah, we're gonna. So we're gonna keep scores on who gets. Gets the most. [00:05:21] Speaker C: Is that the naughty corner score or is it the most wins, like competition. [00:05:26] Speaker B: We get something out, there's gonna have. [00:05:29] Speaker C: To be some form the subscribers. So we need to, we need to put out. [00:05:35] Speaker B: Yeah, I didn't do the subscriber. [00:05:38] Speaker A: It's you YouTube. [00:05:40] Speaker B: Um, I didn't, I didn't. [00:05:42] Speaker A: Weeks ago popped up. A couple of weeks ago, popped up the ring, the bell and. [00:05:46] Speaker B: Oh, you know. So I added that in. Edit that in post. Yeah. Yeah. So I got a, yeah, I've got to get an edited version and put it into here. [00:05:59] Speaker C: So one thing I'm noticing tonight, to you two gentlemen being in Perth, is that neither of you got beanies and hat. I got hats. [00:06:05] Speaker B: Sorry. [00:06:05] Speaker C: Yeah, beanies and jumpers on. [00:06:07] Speaker B: No, it's pretty warm. [00:06:09] Speaker C: Last time we were all here, which was only two weeks ago, you two had jumpers on and I was going to go to the pool. So we're all on t shirts tonight. [00:06:17] Speaker B: Yeah, it's quite warm here tonight. [00:06:19] Speaker A: No, it's. Yeah, yeah. A little bit of sun and the cloud covers come in, so that's kept the heat in. It's not too bad. [00:06:28] Speaker B: Yep. So. All right, we'll get into the music in a second. But Bali in two weeks, you'll be, you guys will be streaming live in Bali. [00:06:39] Speaker C: So our, we're on the Friday, so I might just dick out somewhere and grab a couple of selfie sticks. [00:06:45] Speaker A: Yeah, it just gets, you get a little things that will fall apart. Or we can leave for the guys at the hotel. [00:06:54] Speaker B: So were you going to do it. [00:06:55] Speaker A: For the guys at the hotel? [00:06:56] Speaker B: You need to paint a picture for there is. [00:06:59] Speaker A: Okay. So we regularly stay in Leggy Ann. We can actually tell the story of how we ended up at this, staying at this. [00:07:10] Speaker B: We're talking about beers and music. [00:07:13] Speaker A: Yeah, music and music. But no, we have a favorite hotel that we love. But tradition is most nights we will walk down Geelong, molasses down to Legion beach, and turn right and just in front of. If anybody knows Bali, what's about. It's in front of mozzarella, isn't it? [00:07:37] Speaker C: But anyway, this is Legion Beach Hotel. It's across the road from that. [00:07:42] Speaker B: So when. [00:07:42] Speaker A: Yeah, when you say you walk down there. [00:07:45] Speaker B: When you say you walk down there, is it like a bloke walk or blokey? Bloke. Yeah. Like this? Was it like a, like nice long romantic walks along the beach. [00:07:55] Speaker C: And I know it's because there's ice waiting for it. [00:08:03] Speaker B: So the chest is right out. [00:08:07] Speaker A: I'm first. [00:08:07] Speaker C: Get out of my way. [00:08:11] Speaker A: But anyway, he's a lovely guy. Deck Robin. It's called Robbins Bar, but his name's Dick. Yeah. The umbrellas are read and you just go down there and they're brilliant. As soon as you walk in, they know you. They'll put it. Where do you want to sit? They'll put out a pull out of bean bag. [00:08:26] Speaker B: Did you say the guy's name is? [00:08:29] Speaker A: Yeah, yeah. [00:08:32] Speaker B: Do you know what his last name is? [00:08:33] Speaker A: DHC. Uh, well, he's on Facebook as Robin. He's never told me his last name. [00:08:40] Speaker B: Chair. [00:08:41] Speaker A: Deck chair. Yeah. Deck oil. [00:08:48] Speaker C: Come on, guys, keep this one really clean. [00:08:56] Speaker A: But anyway, the big thing is he has umbrellas and he'll actually, they'll actually, um, uh, him and his uh, his offside of Raymond. It's obviously not his real name, but they'll. They'll put in an umbrella for you. They'll screw it in. They'll come, they'll serve you. Damn coldest bin tangs ever. [00:09:15] Speaker B: Yep. [00:09:16] Speaker A: And as usual for Barley. Yeah. You get a bowl of nuts and then there's. There's all the hawkers on the beach suit. What's her name? Lindy Lou. She has a whole heap of the hawkers. She does that area. [00:09:30] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:09:30] Speaker A: Yes. And all them, like. She owns. She. She owns villas. [00:09:36] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:09:36] Speaker A: You know, and that's her job. But she just does around Rob Robins bar. And they're really, really cool. They'll come and do your manacle. And if it's a case of, um, honor. No, not today. Like a massage or whatever. No, no. And they're good. They don't harass you. And Rob doesn't let people let the hawkers. And if any outside hawkers come in, they get chased away. But you see. But you sit there and watch the sun go down. That's it. It's just a semi traditional thing we do every $7. [00:10:07] Speaker B: And is it $7 print? Is that where you got the list of music from as well? [00:10:14] Speaker C: Quick, Paul, quick. This is. This is the other. I won't say the other five because there's many, many others. When you hit me, we are not. I need five of your best songs. [00:10:29] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:10:30] Speaker C: So that I've got at least a mile long. And then we'll just do an increments. Increments of five. [00:10:35] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:10:35] Speaker C: But the problem, we'll just get quickly back onto the two week one in Bali before we move forward is we may have our. We're going to have a problem with lighting because obviously with air, I. E. Sunset. So we either do a quarter to five or something, like. Because it's all w. A time. [00:10:51] Speaker B: Yeah. Yeah. [00:10:52] Speaker C: Because it does. It does get dark early over there, like it does here. So you're getting dark. [00:10:59] Speaker B: Yeah, but, yeah, I can. [00:11:00] Speaker A: I know. It'll be. It'll be fine. [00:11:02] Speaker C: Fine. [00:11:02] Speaker A: At about 530. It's just that being closer to the equator, as you know, Brad, where you are, there's no twilight. It's like it's. Sun goes down and then it's like, bang. It's dark. [00:11:14] Speaker C: Yeah. We got headlights on at 05:10 mate. [00:11:16] Speaker B: Yep. [00:11:17] Speaker C: Well, I've got the gym. I'll come out at 530. It's dark. [00:11:20] Speaker B: Even if you have to do it early earlier. But we'll see how we go. We've got time to plan it all out. [00:11:25] Speaker A: Well, we'll have a look on the Saturday and the Sunday and go. Well, how long does it stay light for? [00:11:33] Speaker B: We can record it anytime. [00:11:35] Speaker C: I was gonna say we could do half recording. We could do a half an hour at the mega on the banana lounges. [00:11:41] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:11:41] Speaker C: And then the other half for the first half an hour, we go to Robins bar. [00:11:44] Speaker B: Yeah. Yeah. Get some atmosphere going on to see what it's like. So I've been all around Asia, but I've never been to Bali and it's not really high on my hit list, so be good to see what I'm missing out on. [00:11:59] Speaker C: Yeah, it's, it's. We're only going for my partner's 21st, daughter's 21st, if that wasn't happening. But we'll, like Alan. I have. We've had our ten years of absolutely fantastic memories for life. [00:12:21] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:12:22] Speaker C: And, um. But no, you gotta go. I always say to people, just go once. [00:12:26] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:12:26] Speaker C: You either, like, there's no gray area. You like it or you love it. [00:12:29] Speaker B: Yeah, yeah. Wait and see. Um, so I, I did a bit of, um, investigating because our likes is pale. Al and I messaged the Wa brewers association because I look after a lot of craft beers and brewers and they're happy to come and chat, to chat about beer with us. So we've got to organize that as. [00:12:54] Speaker C: Well as in another screen or chat to you in person. [00:12:59] Speaker B: No, no, they'll come in and join us in the chat so we can ask them questions and find out what type of Music you know. [00:13:05] Speaker A: How. [00:13:05] Speaker B: Do you know how they do? Like, you go to a restaurant, you go get a pairing. You'll get a pairing plate with a meat. No, parrot with a wine. [00:13:12] Speaker C: Yes. [00:13:12] Speaker B: We can get some Music and pair, get some beer and pair it with the Music. [00:13:18] Speaker A: Sounds like a plan. [00:13:19] Speaker C: I'm loving that idea. [00:13:22] Speaker B: Yeah. But we just got to try and get somewhere in Queensland. [00:13:24] Speaker A: Emu. Emu export. Emu export. Eddie Angels track. [00:13:28] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:13:32] Speaker C: So what do you. What would you put with vb then, mate? [00:13:37] Speaker B: Any, any, um, any, um, p diddy song, ac dc? Any p Diddy Song. [00:13:48] Speaker C: I suppose Al was an emu bitter, weren't you, Al? You were Religious Emu Bitter, man. [00:13:54] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:13:54] Speaker C: Was it? Was it you were talking when you were. When you were. [00:14:01] Speaker B: I used to drink accelerates at Leisure. Can you still get accelerated? You can't get that anymore, can you? [00:14:07] Speaker C: Nah. [00:14:07] Speaker A: Well, gone. Well, then, yeah. [00:14:10] Speaker B: Energy drink. [00:14:10] Speaker C: Can I ask you guys a question about that word? Is it pronounced accelerate or accelerate? [00:14:16] Speaker B: Accelerate. [00:14:17] Speaker A: Accelerate. Oh, I know where you go, my. [00:14:22] Speaker C: Beautiful partner who's from Melbourne. It's exhilarate. And our dogs when we're in Bali. [00:14:29] Speaker A: Yep. Apparently melbournians say accelerate. And the thing, the right hand pedal you push on your car. That's the exhilarator. [00:14:38] Speaker B: Oh, yeah. [00:14:39] Speaker C: And. And still to today. Oh, yeah. [00:14:42] Speaker B: Yes, she does go for Geelong. So. [00:14:45] Speaker C: Well, that's. Well, yeah, she still does. [00:14:47] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:14:48] Speaker C: Three locked in a row. [00:14:49] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:14:50] Speaker B: Are we gonna, um, put a music track on? I'm gonna move this back over. Yeah, well, okay, Brad, check. [00:14:58] Speaker A: And then we'll have to think about a pale lp break. [00:15:02] Speaker B: Yeah, yeah. Oh, no, we still got 15 minutes before you need to go for your power. [00:15:09] Speaker C: Well, we couldn't. Well, Jesus, for that size glass. So the songs I've chosen. [00:15:21] Speaker B: Yep. Do you want. Do you want them in order that you sent me? In? That order? [00:15:25] Speaker C: It doesn't have to be. [00:15:27] Speaker B: I've got them all in order. [00:15:28] Speaker C: Anyway, so that was during dinner. [00:15:30] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:15:31] Speaker C: Now, Swannie, please confirm with this. What relation is he? Is it Jimmy Barnes? [00:15:37] Speaker B: Jimmy Barnes, half brother. [00:15:39] Speaker A: Jimmy Barnes, half brother. [00:15:40] Speaker B: Yeah, this is it. I don't know if I've got the right video. [00:15:45] Speaker C: Yes, that's the right video. [00:15:48] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:15:48] Speaker C: I love this song. It is. I cannot believe it wasn't on my top. Top five many a time. So I. I didn't sing this into him in endearment, but with 02:00 a.m. We'd be playing golf going, oh, mate, we've got to put Swannie on. [00:16:03] Speaker B: Yeah. Yeah, I remember this coming out. [00:16:09] Speaker C: So if he's Jimmy Barnes half brother, where's the connection? So is it, like. Is it. Where's the connection? [00:16:18] Speaker A: Different fathers, I think, because they had different names. [00:16:21] Speaker B: Yeah, yeah. [00:16:23] Speaker A: He's got the same David Swan. Yeah, I think so, yeah. [00:16:28] Speaker C: David Campbell. [00:16:30] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:16:30] Speaker A: Enable a comment section, people. [00:16:32] Speaker B: Tell us it's Jimmy Barnes's son. [00:16:35] Speaker C: That's Jimmy Barnes's son at David Campbell. [00:16:37] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:16:38] Speaker C: Yes. [00:16:38] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:16:39] Speaker C: And that's with his wife. Is it Jane? Is it? [00:16:41] Speaker B: No, no, Jane. They've got other kids with Jane. Jane who's his wife now. They've got other guests. They got the tin lids. Yeah. I can't remember the names, but I know they've still. They're all performers as well, doing all right for themselves. [00:16:59] Speaker C: So, you two gentlemen, please enlighten me and also for the listeners, because as much as I love this song and it brings back memories from my high school years of 1982 83. [00:17:12] Speaker A: What tunes you want about this song? What is it? [00:17:15] Speaker C: But it's a high school song for me. It's a high school song. It's when I very first moved from Brisbane to Perth, 83. It was in the hits. I had that emotional I missed my girlfriend sort of crap. And these songs were hitting the radio and I just fell in love with this song. Yeah, I know the words, I wrote the words down, etcetera. The one thing I didn't do and tonight I didn't get the time was to work out. Where did the song come from? It's obviously a personal wonder, Swannie. [00:17:43] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:17:44] Speaker C: Whether it's a high school sweetheart to. [00:17:46] Speaker B: Him or, I don't know, El will hit the Google. But wasn't it this era? This era was like when Billy Fields was out as well. When. Yes, there's a whole range of songs that come out in that. This type of mood and genre. But. But then you got, um, Billy Fields, I felt. I've tracked down. I've got a friend who's in radio and I said, how do we get hold of Billy Fields? And he sent me his pr agency or his media agency. So I'll be flicking them an email saying, let's get Billy Fields on the show as well. How cool that would be. No, I've got. I've got the details. [00:18:30] Speaker C: Yeah, yeah. [00:18:31] Speaker B: I've got the contract. [00:18:37] Speaker C: You and I, we'd have to do an hour off screen before we start recording triple B. Val. [00:18:44] Speaker B: Yeah. So where's. Swanny's still around. He's obviously. You can see Sydney Tower there. [00:18:51] Speaker C: Is he the one hit wonder or. [00:18:54] Speaker A: No, no. 72 years old. [00:18:56] Speaker B: 72. Jesus. Crikey. [00:18:59] Speaker A: No, he's active. Looks like he became. He's stopping being really active about whatever. [00:19:05] Speaker B: The song stops. The video stopped. [00:19:08] Speaker C: Oh, I thought you stopped. [00:19:09] Speaker B: I didn't stop it. No, I'm gonna stop it now. Yeah. [00:19:17] Speaker A: Going on a point that you guys were talking about last week. Kevin, man. [00:19:22] Speaker B: Yep. [00:19:23] Speaker A: And very, very sad news. And this is hearsay, but it's actually coming from a very good friend who really keeps her finger in the pile, you know, tries to keep their. Keep up to date on who, how everybody is and all that. She's a lovely person. Hi, Marie. Smiling and waving at you, apparently, Kevin. Well, I was told, as I said, it's here. So he went bankrupt. He's. Oh, yeah, his life's not great at the moment. [00:19:53] Speaker C: Years ago, how. Years ago I heard that. [00:19:57] Speaker B: Wonder how. I reckon there'd be a lot of people trying to take his money. [00:20:03] Speaker C: Did you drink it in a. In a. In a serious, severe, sincere conversation how I think he. He probably planted the own seeds. [00:20:16] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:20:17] Speaker C: Just. And I only saw the surface stuff of running the business for six months. Like, I really knew nothing. Yeah. But the way he was doing so many things under the counter, it wasn't funny. Yeah, was not funny was. He was paying my way. Cash. [00:20:33] Speaker B: Yeah. I used to get paid cash from him too. [00:20:36] Speaker C: So the amount of. Whether it's a tax evasion, he's gone bankrupt. I don't know. I really don't know. He'd be in his early seventies now, Al. Or mid seventies. [00:20:46] Speaker A: Yeah. Early to make. Yeah. [00:20:50] Speaker C: I'm just. [00:20:54] Speaker B: Amazing how many people that we knew in the industry from back then have either like, gone bust or passed on. There's a few people that. [00:21:05] Speaker C: I mean, when he was at the chasers, he was how old you reckon he was? Early forties. Because how old were we? I was probably mid twenties. What are we at now? [00:21:13] Speaker B: Nice. [00:21:14] Speaker C: Yeah. I would have been 27 putting back. [00:21:17] Speaker A: Ten years older than me. Yeah. Ish. Yeah. [00:21:22] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:21:22] Speaker C: So what's 15 years old? Yeah, it's about right. [00:21:24] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:21:24] Speaker C: So he would have been early forties when he ran chases. [00:21:28] Speaker B: Wow. [00:21:29] Speaker C: Back then. I mean, you know, depending on what his debt was and all that sort of stuff. But I'm not surprised. Yeah. It's still sad. Don't get me wrong. It's still sad to hear that. Yeah. He's still. I'm glad he's not. His health. It's always better to see someone that he's someone that's still breathing. [00:21:44] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:21:45] Speaker C: And hasn't got a wallet. [00:21:46] Speaker B: Yep. Yeah. [00:21:48] Speaker C: Still sad. [00:21:49] Speaker B: Yeah, it was. Yeah. Is. Yeah, it's pretty bad because like, no matter what you say, think of Kevin. My memories of Kevin obviously was a hard, you know. You know, hard man if you didn't like the music until you to get it off. But he. He was pretty good in such a way that like he was paying us. Paid me cash or whatever, but at that time I wanted to buy a house and I needed. [00:22:16] Speaker A: Records. [00:22:17] Speaker B: Records or evidence of being paid. [00:22:20] Speaker C: Statements. [00:22:21] Speaker B: Yeah. He actually. He actually wrote a letter saying, yeah, that I'm starting to work there and I'm going to be earning x, y, z. So I'll put that letter in saying, yep, there you go. And they got the homeowner's the line from it. So he did do things for people as well. It wasn't all bad. [00:22:37] Speaker A: Yeah, yeah. [00:22:38] Speaker C: I mean, I like Kevin, you know, I knew of an experience his bad traits, which were very, very bad. [00:22:44] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:22:46] Speaker C: But I'm with you, Paul. You know, he did look after me and he would if I didn't need it, but he would have done the same. [00:22:52] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:22:53] Speaker A: And I was always. He was. He was always fine with me. All I had to do. If I went to Zelda's and go, can you grab Kevin? And Kevin come out and go. Yep. Let Alan. And, you know, he'd buy me a couple of drinks and buy him a drink and, you know, always got on well with him, but. Yeah, same as you guys. I knew there was a bad side. Yeah. [00:23:16] Speaker B: Anywho, what's our next song? We're gonna do our next song. [00:23:19] Speaker A: Oh, this one I'm shocked. About what? Where the hell did this come from? Brad. [00:23:23] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:23:23] Speaker A: What? What? This is a WTF moment. [00:23:26] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:23:27] Speaker C: Seriously, there's two ones in this. So number one, obviously, I was talking to back about these. These songs quite quickly. [00:23:34] Speaker A: No, no, stop. Stop right there. Stop right there. Stop right there. I get it. [00:23:39] Speaker B: What? [00:23:40] Speaker A: Yeah. She's kind of cute. [00:23:43] Speaker B: Have you seen it now? [00:23:46] Speaker C: And. And this is also a scene out of Ted. Ted won the movie. [00:23:50] Speaker B: Yeah. Is it the song? [00:23:52] Speaker C: Sorry, not the same. The song. [00:23:54] Speaker B: Yeah. Because her and, um, I actually, you know, Al. [00:23:58] Speaker C: I thought. Actually thought it was Belinda Carlo. [00:24:00] Speaker B: All right. [00:24:01] Speaker C: She said to me, no, that's not. And it sounds like Belinda Carlisle, doesn't it? [00:24:09] Speaker A: L. It's got the same tonality. But she did. Belinda. Belinda Carlisle's got a little bit of sizzling her voice. [00:24:20] Speaker B: Yeah, yeah. [00:24:21] Speaker A: Oh, and she's also got the vibrato. [00:24:23] Speaker C: Yeah, yeah. [00:24:26] Speaker A: Oh, actually, Tiffany Darwish, she's actually. She's kind of still alright looking. [00:24:36] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:24:37] Speaker C: Well, there. This video we're watching, she looks a lot like Taylor Tater. [00:24:41] Speaker B: No, no, just because her and Debbie Gibson hang around as well. Don't they remember Debbie Gibson? [00:24:48] Speaker A: Yeah, they were. Yeah. [00:24:50] Speaker B: Yeah, yeah. [00:24:52] Speaker A: So what was this all about? [00:24:53] Speaker B: Was it. [00:24:54] Speaker A: Was it because it was in the movie too? [00:24:57] Speaker B: No, no, he just likes Tiffany. [00:25:00] Speaker C: It's. [00:25:00] Speaker B: He gets ever perv and his missus doesn't tell him off. [00:25:05] Speaker C: One of our co hosts here, and there's only three of us, gave me all but ten minutes to go. Matt, I need your songs. So I mentioned it over dinner because it's dinner time over here. [00:25:15] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:25:16] Speaker C: And Beck comes up with it and then I listened to it on Google. That was a ten. [00:25:20] Speaker B: Yeah. Well, there you go. [00:25:21] Speaker C: So if I. If you gave me seven days notice, it would not be in next week's top five. Although I still like the song. [00:25:27] Speaker B: Who's picked? It's my turn for next week. So you said, all right, and it's back to our. [00:25:32] Speaker A: Well, I think we should pick a theme. I mean, I'm keen on picking. Picking a theme for the music, I think. [00:25:37] Speaker B: Yeah, yeah, I'm. [00:25:39] Speaker C: I'm keen for a thing. [00:25:40] Speaker A: You had no time. You had no time, Brad. [00:25:43] Speaker C: No time. Yeah. You know what the funny thing is? They do it over there on the radio on 94.5 or 96 and they do it over here on Triple M. They have themes of the day and it's always on a Tuesday. Sorry, Monday and a Thursday. And they have the top eight songs. You ought to pick the fame, all this sort of bullshit. So now we're going to do this on a pair of jocks. When people subscribe, they'll hear it. [00:26:09] Speaker B: So hit the subscribe button. [00:26:11] Speaker C: Hit that subscribe button and I'll make sure that I'm writing down a few songs as I'm driving. [00:26:16] Speaker B: Yep. [00:26:16] Speaker C: And then bang, there's the answer. And then you guys would have no fucking idea what I'm talking about. But there is the link. [00:26:22] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:26:25] Speaker A: I have to ask Paul. Is that going to get past the YouTube sensors? [00:26:28] Speaker B: What? [00:26:31] Speaker A: Doing the theme on a pair of jocks? [00:26:33] Speaker B: Yeah. No, we just. If they block the song, we're just going to put in dispute saying, look. [00:26:38] Speaker C: He'S taking the piss, isn't he? I'll get it on the way back, mate. Just call me Adam Gilchrist. I'm the wicketkeeper. [00:26:44] Speaker A: Missed that bastard, didn't he? [00:26:47] Speaker C: Oh, caught behind. He's on. He's got. [00:26:55] Speaker B: No ball. [00:26:56] Speaker C: It's all right. It was wide. [00:27:00] Speaker B: It was wide. [00:27:01] Speaker C: He's that computer man. [00:27:03] Speaker A: Oh, I will admit it. It was a bit wide. It was a bit wide, but it did actually sneak into the pop increase. [00:27:09] Speaker B: Oh, anyway, all right, well, hey, if. [00:27:11] Speaker C: The keeper can get it in the gloves, mate, it's taken to the ball. [00:27:14] Speaker B: Yeah, I had. [00:27:20] Speaker A: What's his name, Dicky. [00:27:29] Speaker B: When you go to put the wickets up, his finger would be bent instead of going up. Yeah, I know he. [00:27:36] Speaker C: I know he. [00:27:38] Speaker B: Umpire was a crooked finger. You better be quick. You got two minutes before you have to go for your pee break. [00:27:48] Speaker C: Yeah. So this next song, I don't know if you're gonna do this post p or pre pee. [00:27:52] Speaker B: We'll do it. We'll put it on and Al can disappear for his pilot. [00:28:07] Speaker C: I love. I love the original of Elton John. And I absolutely just love the duet. [00:28:13] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:28:14] Speaker C: Where did the duet come from? How did George ask Elton or Elton. [00:28:18] Speaker B: Asked George probably while they were dating. [00:28:23] Speaker C: What did they do? A duet concert. [00:28:26] Speaker B: It looks like it's. [00:28:32] Speaker A: This is a George Michael concert and as they do, he invited Alton John on stage. [00:28:41] Speaker C: Well, he's clearly backstage at the moment, so clearly Otton John knew he was. [00:28:44] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:28:48] Speaker B: Yeah. So he's backstage. [00:28:49] Speaker A: They would have rehearsed it and everything. [00:28:51] Speaker B: Yeah, he was really backstage. [00:28:54] Speaker C: Really well done, Paul. You stuck down all together one, mate. He's on silly slits. [00:29:18] Speaker B: Should have gone for a pee while you're there. [00:29:20] Speaker C: I thought he was. [00:29:24] Speaker A: Before I forget. Okay, we'll go for a pale lp. Yeah, before I forget, have you guys seen. You'd have to YouTube it, but Coldplay get Michael J. Fox on stage to play guitar on Rollover Beethoven. No, no, actually on the song that he did in. Yeah, back to the future. It's awesome. And he was sick. That was when he was sick. He's still like, his face is all frozen and everything, but he nails the guitar and you can see he's so happy doing this shit. Yeah, you should google it and YouTube. It looks. It's brilliant. [00:29:58] Speaker B: What was it? [00:30:01] Speaker A: It was coldplay in New York, so just cold play. [00:30:10] Speaker B: I got it. [00:30:12] Speaker A: Oh, pale alpo. Shall we do the paleo pre boat? [00:30:15] Speaker B: No, you can go. Did Brad go for a pee boat? Yeah, I'll keep talking. Yeah, you can go because I kept. Yeah, well, thank you. [00:30:26] Speaker A: I'm turning my camera off because I'm doing a bottle in the corner. [00:30:32] Speaker B: We can still hear you, you know that, don't you? So anyway, while they're doing that, I'm going to be downloading. Not downloading. It's not illegal. What I'm doing is quite, quite legal. So I'm going to bring this song in so that we can have a listen to what they were saying. So if you listen carefully, you might be able to hear our doing a tinkle. That's downloading now I can hear Brad talking in the background. What's he using? He's probably talking to himself or he's in the toilet. [00:30:59] Speaker C: No, I'm actually talking to you. [00:31:00] Speaker B: Oh, I was gonna say. There it is. [00:31:02] Speaker C: That's the bit. That's a bit. That gives me goosebumps. [00:31:04] Speaker B: Oh, yeah, yeah. Yep. When. When was this one done? [00:31:11] Speaker C: This is 90. 93, I think. I think it was a 93. I'm pretty sure it was 90. I'm going 93. [00:31:21] Speaker B: Yeah, because I'm gonna say it looks like. When did lesson zero come out? [00:31:29] Speaker C: Less than who? [00:31:30] Speaker B: Less than zero. [00:31:32] Speaker C: Less than zero. Was it 80? 83? [00:31:39] Speaker B: Yeah, 83, that came. Three. Which one I'm thinking of then? [00:31:45] Speaker C: 83. Yeah, 83. That was too low for zero. [00:31:48] Speaker B: Yeah. Too low for zero yet lessons. [00:31:52] Speaker C: Too low for zero was 83, I think. 83 already. Pretty sure was 83. I'd put money on this for 93. [00:32:01] Speaker B: Yeah. Yeah. All right, so that's done. That's done. Well, we've got that ready for. [00:32:07] Speaker C: But if this was a. If this was a George Michael duet, then how did it become a number one chart here? [00:32:16] Speaker B: Because they would have released this version of the song. [00:32:19] Speaker C: Right. [00:32:19] Speaker B: Gotcha. [00:32:20] Speaker A: Yeah. They would have gone that. This is so good. Let's release it. You know record companies. [00:32:24] Speaker C: Yeah. So 1993 for this song, alan? 93. Too low for zero was 83. [00:32:36] Speaker B: What was the other album like? Club at the end of the street and all that. What album was that off? [00:32:41] Speaker A: Oh, that was. That was off. Too low for zero. The album was called too late for zero. [00:32:46] Speaker B: So that was. [00:32:47] Speaker A: I guess. I guess that's why they call it the blues. I want to kiss the bride. That was too low for zero. Club at the end of the street. [00:32:55] Speaker B: Was that 83? [00:32:58] Speaker A: It wouldn't. [00:32:59] Speaker B: I've got to be. I reckon I was in the 89. [00:33:08] Speaker A: It was very early. [00:33:09] Speaker C: 84. [00:33:10] Speaker A: It was. [00:33:11] Speaker C: If not January, February, 84. [00:33:13] Speaker B: Club at the end of the street. What about club at the end of the street. [00:33:20] Speaker A: And. Club at the end of the street? [00:33:22] Speaker B: Yeah, club at the end of the street. [00:33:30] Speaker C: This single was released when. 93. [00:33:33] Speaker A: No, different album. [00:33:34] Speaker B: See, club at the end of the street was later. And this. [00:33:37] Speaker A: I thought it was on that album. No, I was wrong. And I used to. I've got that album. [00:33:42] Speaker B: So when did that come out? [00:33:45] Speaker A: Club at the end of the street. In the club at the end of the street, yeah. Oh, no, that's a. Not you, me. [00:34:04] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:34:08] Speaker A: Sleeping with the past in 1989. [00:34:11] Speaker B: Boy, did I say 88? 89. That was the song I was thinking of. That would have been that year. That must have come out now. [00:34:18] Speaker A: Too low for zero. [00:34:19] Speaker B: Yeah, but that one. [00:34:21] Speaker C: So is this when this song was released in 89? Don't let the song go down on me with that. The George Michael, Elton John. The duet one I'm talking about. I reckon that's 93. [00:34:33] Speaker B: Yeah. That'd be in the nineties. [00:34:36] Speaker A: Definitely nineties. [00:34:41] Speaker B: I'm going late. Eighties. Early. [00:34:44] Speaker C: No, I was at the ocean in the early nineties and it wasn't around then. I don't think it was. I certainly don't remember it. [00:34:50] Speaker B: I got an 89. 90. [00:34:52] Speaker C: I'm going 93. [00:34:55] Speaker B: How's it going, Google. [00:34:56] Speaker C: Come on. [00:34:57] Speaker A: Yeah, accidentally. I've accidentally typed in. Into Wikipedia and. Wikipedia. Wikipedia. Spat the chewie. 74. Written 70. Yes. [00:35:18] Speaker B: Yes. [00:35:18] Speaker A: Yes, yes. In 1991. Oh, it's not giving the year that version. But it did say that the pair had first sung together at live out at Wembley in 1985. I don't remember them doing that song. [00:35:36] Speaker B: There you go. [00:35:37] Speaker C: No, that doesn't mean that they did that. [00:35:41] Speaker A: Not that version. I'd say that version is. [00:35:45] Speaker C: I reckon we'll go 91. [00:35:47] Speaker B: I reckon the next song, the singer of the next song, you could put down. If you've got a. Like a workplace when you call it workbench. No, you all chipping the money. Put your money in and you put, um. Pull someone's name out the hat. Like the Melbourne cup. They do the Melbourne Cup. [00:36:10] Speaker A: Melbourne cup. The sweet. [00:36:15] Speaker B: If you're doing a sweepstake at work on who's the next celebrity to. Celebrity to die, I reckon you'd be pretty close with this guy. [00:36:24] Speaker C: I don't think you'd be too far off that, mate. I went and saw him in. Yeah, he's not well. [00:36:30] Speaker A: Yeah, he's nowhere. [00:36:31] Speaker C: Swallows isn't far behind him, although he's an actor, not a singer. [00:36:34] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:36:39] Speaker C: We got the right song, or is this just a weird intro? [00:36:41] Speaker B: It's a weird intro because he's like, there he is there. [00:36:46] Speaker C: Okay. [00:36:49] Speaker B: Yeah, back in the great song. [00:36:51] Speaker A: I'm not. I'm not a huge fan. [00:36:53] Speaker B: 30 minutes. I think this version. [00:36:55] Speaker C: We won't get that. Artesia, you picked the wrong one. [00:36:58] Speaker B: Yeah, well, it's the only one I found. Oh, no, it doesn't get. I don't want to press it because it's gonna turn. [00:37:17] Speaker C: I saw him. It was the 29 January, and I know that because it's a day after my birthday. And that's the Raccarina. [00:37:29] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:37:30] Speaker C: In 2016, I think it was 1628. Now 2018. 2018. Fast forward. This is like watching a movie. [00:37:47] Speaker B: I know, but I can't if I like that. There you go. Who is this? Oh, he goes for Jesus. Who's that? Who's that? [00:37:58] Speaker A: Who was that? [00:38:02] Speaker C: Was it really? [00:38:03] Speaker B: Yeah. There you go. [00:38:05] Speaker C: It's only the one song. Eric Clapton. [00:38:07] Speaker B: Yeah, yeah. [00:38:11] Speaker A: Wait, wait. If he's gonna sing, who's gonna play the drums? [00:38:14] Speaker B: What about Chester? There you see Clapton again. [00:38:17] Speaker C: It is too. [00:38:18] Speaker B: Was that. That was the guy from Happy Gilmore. Okay. Okay. So this is full of little episode, isn't it? [00:38:27] Speaker C: Make sure you subscribe tonight. Good episode. [00:38:31] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:38:31] Speaker B: Hit the subscribe button, the bell button, and people watching this gonna go. [00:38:36] Speaker C: We watched a movie. [00:38:37] Speaker B: Yes. There we go. Just skipped it a bit. [00:38:44] Speaker C: There it is. [00:38:45] Speaker B: There we go. [00:38:47] Speaker C: It is. [00:38:50] Speaker B: Yep. [00:38:53] Speaker C: I actually like this song. Better than in the eds night. [00:38:57] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:39:01] Speaker C: Absolutely. [00:39:01] Speaker A: Love this song. [00:39:03] Speaker C: Yeah. [00:39:03] Speaker A: It's a good breakup song. [00:39:06] Speaker B: Breakup. [00:39:07] Speaker C: Yeah, fine. My previous top five was the breakup song. Greg keown. [00:39:17] Speaker B: Yeah. Yep. So what did you pick this one for? [00:39:23] Speaker C: No particular reason. Absolutely no particular reason at all. It's probably just one of those songs where I hear it on the radio or it's almost. [00:39:32] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:39:33] Speaker C: And I'll just yell out, turn it up. Or if I'm in the car, I'll just turn it off. It's just one of those songs that I. That actually doesn't have a meaning to it. [00:39:40] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:39:40] Speaker C: Doesn't give me any past memories. Just one that I've taken with me. Love it. [00:39:45] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:39:47] Speaker C: As I say, it's. To me, it's probably one. In my view, I think it's his best thing. And he's got a lot of them. [00:39:55] Speaker B: Oh, he's got. Yeah, he has a lot of them. [00:39:59] Speaker C: And. Yeah. He. Like I said earlier, you know, I don't think he's either gonna experience his last Christmas or he has just experienced. [00:40:09] Speaker B: His last Christmas and no one said it. [00:40:11] Speaker C: And you know, when he. When he went in concert, you know, you walk out on the stage with a walking stick. [00:40:20] Speaker B: Yeah. So he's supposed to play drums with that thing? [00:40:24] Speaker C: He son did it. He stunted the drum and what? I had a fucking exceptional way to do it. He just. He sat on a bar stool. [00:40:33] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:40:33] Speaker C: And did what he's good at. [00:40:36] Speaker B: Yep. How many kids? You would have a few kids now, wouldn't he, for Uncle Phil? [00:40:41] Speaker C: I think he has. What do you reckon, Alan? [00:40:43] Speaker B: He lost a shitload of money because of divorces and stuff. Lily Cole. Is it? Lily Cole. [00:40:48] Speaker A: All cases. Yeah. There's a bit going on here. Uh, Collins has divorced three times. [00:41:00] Speaker B: Yep. His last one cost him an absolute fortune. I'm surprised that he's still got any money left. Excuse me. [00:41:12] Speaker A: Jill Tabbleman. [00:41:13] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:41:14] Speaker A: No, no, his daughter is Lily Collins. [00:41:17] Speaker B: Yeah, I know that. [00:41:17] Speaker C: Yeah. [00:41:20] Speaker B: She's an actress. [00:41:21] Speaker A: Okay. [00:41:21] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:41:22] Speaker A: I thought that was a bit creepy. [00:41:25] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:41:33] Speaker A: So he married canadian born Andrea Portiarelli, Jill Tavelman, who's the mum of Lily Collins and Orioni Chevy. A swiss national. National. [00:41:45] Speaker B: Yep. [00:41:47] Speaker A: Yeah. Then he was going out with Dana Taylor. [00:41:51] Speaker B: Yep. [00:41:53] Speaker A: Dude. [00:41:54] Speaker B: Yep. There you go. Before we get too far, let's get rid of that. Oh, shit. [00:42:01] Speaker C: Yep. [00:42:03] Speaker B: Was that supposed to happen? I think I could sound over some dogs. [00:42:08] Speaker C: There's a dog there that's not happy. [00:42:11] Speaker B: I just deleted. [00:42:12] Speaker C: Oh, he's a concert released yesterday. I don't know if it was released yesterday, but I found out about it yesterday. You two gentlemen. [00:42:18] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:42:19] Speaker A: Hang five. Brad, there's an emergency here. We've just deleted. What? [00:42:23] Speaker B: Oh, that. I just deleted that song. That's all right. I can get it back. Yeah, no, no drama. [00:42:29] Speaker A: Anyway, constant news. [00:42:31] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:42:32] Speaker C: Yes. Uh, March 16 in Brisbane. And I think it's March 7 in Perth. Rockstar. [00:42:41] Speaker B: Oh, half of Rockstar. [00:42:43] Speaker A: Yeah, half of rockset. [00:42:45] Speaker C: Oh, it's only half. Is it? I don't. I didn't know which ones were alive and. Which ones. [00:42:48] Speaker A: Yeah, the other one. [00:42:49] Speaker B: Yeah. She died in 2009 from breast cancer, I think it was. Or some form of cancer. [00:42:53] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:42:54] Speaker B: Brain. [00:42:58] Speaker C: Also. She's not there anymore. [00:43:03] Speaker B: Give her guess what is the guy singing it? But he did most of the singing. A lot of the singing as well. [00:43:12] Speaker A: Yeah. You know. You know, he's coming to Perth, I. [00:43:14] Speaker B: Think, in August while I knee. Yeah, Kim Wild. I know. Yeah. [00:43:18] Speaker A: No, Kim Wild. It's in August. Astor. Astor Theater. [00:43:23] Speaker C: She's seen her with Barry Gibb. [00:43:25] Speaker B: Do you know what? I've. I've got to put in, um. Our's going to love this. I've got to put in an request for tickets to Belinda Carlisle. [00:43:37] Speaker A: Oh, yeah? [00:43:40] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:43:42] Speaker A: She's so much fun. [00:43:44] Speaker B: Get. Um. I've got to put in for photography. Photography. Um. Pass. Photographers pass and the reviewers pass. That'll be good. [00:43:52] Speaker A: Oh, nice. [00:43:54] Speaker B: So how's your camera? [00:43:56] Speaker A: Score another couple for me. My daughter. [00:43:58] Speaker B: Uh, they're pretty good. Yeah. Yeah. I'll put you down as a photographer. You can take the photos. No flash. Can't use flash, so. [00:44:09] Speaker C: But, yeah, see if the aster theater is normal. [00:44:11] Speaker B: Is she? Yeah, she started call off. Yeah. But she, um. She originally came when she started touring again when she. Years and years. She went to Mandra. She was planning. Mandra? [00:44:28] Speaker A: Yeah. The civic center. [00:44:30] Speaker B: Yeah. And the security. We went there. I took my daughter and it. To see it, see Belinda there. And it was great. It was a great night. But every time someone. People got up to dance, the security would come and. No, you got to sit down. And she was going off, going, let people dance and. And never went back there again because no one could. No one was allowed to. [00:44:49] Speaker A: Well, actually, that's. That's. That's the funny thing. The first time I went and saw her was at the Astor and it was with the U brad, wasn't it? [00:44:56] Speaker C: It was. It was the night before we went to Bali. And we went to Bali the next. [00:44:59] Speaker A: Day and we were in the. Yeah, we were in the dress circle. And it was all seating, but every time I've seen her ever since, all the front seating in front of the stage has been removed, so. Yes, he obviously likes to have a mosh pit in front of her. [00:45:12] Speaker B: Yeah. You know, so what we're going to do, I'm just going to bring, um, this one in. Um. I don't know how I'm going to do this now because I've mucked it up. There we go. This is. [00:45:28] Speaker C: This is a, uh. [00:45:30] Speaker B: I try and find. [00:45:31] Speaker C: This is my fifth stone. [00:45:33] Speaker A: Oh, here we go. [00:45:35] Speaker C: Here we go. There he is. [00:45:38] Speaker B: Audio. Gotta put the audio up. Michael J. Fox, coldplay. This doesn't sound. Christmas marks. [00:46:07] Speaker C: That puts hairs on my arms up. That's amazing. [00:46:11] Speaker B: Yeah. Yeah. That is like. [00:46:16] Speaker C: Yeah, that is absolutely electrifying. That is good. Look at him. He's just loving it. [00:46:22] Speaker B: Yeah. There you go. That was a good pick. [00:46:25] Speaker C: Good. [00:46:25] Speaker B: Find that out. Yeah, yeah. [00:46:29] Speaker C: You clearly busy at work. Out. How'd you pick that one up? [00:46:31] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:46:35] Speaker A: I surf YouTube. I love surfing YouTube. Just going down the YouTube rabbit hole. [00:46:39] Speaker B: Yep. We'll get the last song out the way. Would you want to hold on for a bit for it? [00:46:50] Speaker C: Yeah, yeah, keep my. Yeah, absolutely. That's. I'm very, very shocked that he's still with us. [00:47:02] Speaker B: He's got a few years left. [00:47:03] Speaker C: I really am. He's an ambassador for Parkinson's, worldwide. [00:47:09] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:47:09] Speaker C: And it's. Yeah. It's so good to see that. It's so good. [00:47:16] Speaker B: Yeah, well, he's done so much. [00:47:18] Speaker C: Is that a New York that matters? Is where gardens or something? Is it. [00:47:23] Speaker A: I know it's New York. It's. Yes, probably Madison Square Gardens, I think it is here. [00:47:28] Speaker B: What's your name? [00:47:31] Speaker C: Yeah, I've done a tour of Madison Square Gardens and here's a little bit of trivia for you and the viewers when they subscribe. [00:47:38] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:47:38] Speaker C: Is Muhammad Ali's loss. Only loss for fight or first loss was actually on the 28 January. Don't even ask it for the year because I know you're going to do that, Al. It is. And it's got every single, every single thing is all around the whole diameter of the whole internal. [00:48:00] Speaker B: Yeah. So, um. [00:48:01] Speaker C: That was good, al. Well, picked up, Mike. [00:48:03] Speaker B: That was good. Yeah. Have you been listening to the show right on from between nine and ten? [00:48:11] Speaker A: I haven't, no. I've been listening all day. So I listen when I'm on early shift. I listen to six ix in the morning because I quite like the breakfast show. They're quite funny. Yeah. But they knock off at nine. So I switch over to pop rock radio and, yeah, it's been good. [00:48:26] Speaker B: Yeah. Do you reckon this, because I've got it that pulls in arm bits every third song, but I'm kind of thinking there should be every second song, but I've only got a limited amount of clips on there at the moment, so. [00:48:38] Speaker A: No, it's all good. No, no, it seemed, it seemed all right. There was one clip and it didn't quite. Because you said, I saw in last week's show, you said it will, the algorithm will pick out something that's viral and there was something and, and the punchline was really quite funny, but it didn't cut to the next song quite so straight away. It sort of faded the next song in. It's like, it would have been funny if it had just cut to the next song. [00:49:03] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:49:04] Speaker A: You know what I mean? [00:49:04] Speaker B: With that part there. That's, um. Yeah, I've got no real, um. Yeah, it's really hard to program because I've got to program the, the mixing as per, like certain. When the outgoing song is at a certain decibel level, the next song will come in and that's, yeah, that's out of my. [00:49:25] Speaker A: Yes. Brad and I have had experience of that. We actually programmed a whole party, somebody's whole party where we wouldn't be there or I, Brad was going to be drunk and I wasn't going to be there. So we dj'd remotely remember that. Brad, when we sat down at my we put together play, that was, uh, that was Scott's place. That was his 40th. [00:49:49] Speaker C: 40Th. Was that the one in my lands? Because his 50th was in bump in bustle tree. Yeah, yeah, yeah. [00:49:57] Speaker A: The one, the one in May, the one in mainlands where you and I programmed the music before hand and everybody thought how what, how brilliant was we got away with it, but with programming the music without actually being there because. [00:50:11] Speaker C: A lot of that was done for my 50th. For my 50th. Even though Brandon was doing it, there was times where he wanted to mingle and have a couple of drinks and be away from the table for, yeah, you know, an hour and then when he get back there, he'd take control of it. [00:50:29] Speaker B: Yeah, you just put in a whole heap of songs, especially with like the controllers. Now I've got my serato controller here. You can, you just. In the playlist is add a whole song to go auto dj. Yeah, yeah. You just stand there, just tend to turn buttons and things and everyone gets, oh, he's a good dj. Anyway, here's the last song. [00:50:54] Speaker A: Okay, now go ahead, I'll shut up. [00:50:57] Speaker B: No, you don't have to shut up. [00:50:58] Speaker C: No, don't shut up. [00:51:02] Speaker A: It was different in the day. We. We actually had to plant a song so we actually loaded each song in what order they would play. [00:51:09] Speaker B: Yeah. Yeah. [00:51:12] Speaker A: And we sort of sit there. It's like we'll come up here, we'll go down there. [00:51:17] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:51:27] Speaker A: Just telling your listeners there was a famous ranger before Ed Sheeran. [00:51:32] Speaker B: It was a. [00:51:32] Speaker A: What. [00:51:42] Speaker C: I remember I did security for the most front stage manager as well five years ago they were toured Kings park in Perth. [00:51:48] Speaker B: Yes. [00:51:49] Speaker C: And I could not. It doesn't matter what fight was happening in the dance area. I was staying front row, mate, just with this song and I love simply red. [00:52:00] Speaker B: I could never really get into simply red. Hey, I don't know what it is. There's just something about him I couldn't. [00:52:10] Speaker C: Which. Which I can see in Al's face he's probably going, mate, I've known you 35 years I didn't even know you liked that. [00:52:18] Speaker A: No, I didn't actually. [00:52:23] Speaker B: Dig the dance moves back. [00:52:24] Speaker A: There you go. [00:52:27] Speaker C: I think it's more. I have the. I love the eighties music and flash ninety's and I just have those in excess mine and so they're not always on my radar as Al. It's two in the morning let's put this song on. Yeah but it's definitely one that I just go, mate, play that freaker. Put that thing up for ball like I just. I don't know what it is. [00:52:51] Speaker B: Yeah, love it. [00:52:53] Speaker C: Absolutely love it. Yeah to me again, same as Phil Collins to me that's probably in my eyes it's their best song of so many they've got. [00:53:02] Speaker B: Yeah. Who's I think I saw today kids in the kitchen and wawa knee. [00:53:13] Speaker A: They'Re actually good life. [00:53:15] Speaker B: Yeah. Scott Khan. Yeah but didn't they only had like two real hits and that was current stand and changing mood they had a. [00:53:31] Speaker A: Couple of shine, a couple of albums. I mean they didn't make do a. [00:53:38] Speaker B: Lot good Aussie band but now have you seen some of their film clips? We'll have to get it next time. [00:53:48] Speaker A: I used to play them. [00:53:53] Speaker B: If you could see what's it going to. I can just picture it my head and. [00:54:00] Speaker A: No, no I haven't seen any of their film clips I'd be interested to see, you know. [00:54:06] Speaker B: Yeah, we'll have to do it next. Do the film clips next week. [00:54:08] Speaker C: Well now he's been. Now he's been the. Now he's been the else man. [00:54:19] Speaker B: He's gonna be like, yeah, I play the video clips, but can he remember the video clips? [00:54:31] Speaker A: Changing mood was a bit boring. It was a performance one. [00:54:35] Speaker C: I love that song. [00:54:39] Speaker A: Current stand was. Would have fast cars. Really foggy. I think it had a Ferrari in it. And, you know, and there was a cute girl. They all had cute girls. Yeah, everybody had cute girls. [00:54:58] Speaker B: You can't do that anymore. No. Too many people would jump up and down. Yeah. [00:55:07] Speaker C: Who was the one. Who was the singer with the fight? Was it someone on the five daughters? What's his name? Ah, come on. He was in. [00:55:17] Speaker A: You've got me officially worried now. [00:55:20] Speaker B: No, the dead Palmer. [00:55:28] Speaker C: He has. He had some good. Some good. Good lookers in. In his video clips. [00:55:35] Speaker B: Yep. Yeah. [00:55:39] Speaker A: I've got. I've actually got two Alexander Palms. One's named Robert Palmer and the other one's called Robert Plant. [00:55:47] Speaker B: Yeah, very good. [00:55:51] Speaker C: So we're gonna do. [00:55:53] Speaker B: I've got it. Here. [00:55:56] Speaker A: We go. [00:55:58] Speaker C: 1983. [00:56:00] Speaker B: I'm not sure, but. No, because it's 86. [00:56:11] Speaker A: So. Yeah, it would have been. Yeah. [00:56:14] Speaker C: Be 87. Maybe. Maybe 87. Mate, I'm putting money on 87. There's me final flick. [00:56:24] Speaker B: Are you doing the search, Al? [00:56:26] Speaker A: 85. [00:56:28] Speaker B: 85. [00:56:30] Speaker C: Shit. Right in the middle of. [00:56:34] Speaker B: 85. Because I joined the Navy in 87 and I remember this in 87. Yeah. [00:56:42] Speaker A: You know. You know, he actually. He looks exactly the same. Just. [00:56:46] Speaker B: Yeah, yeah, yeah. [00:56:48] Speaker A: Just imagine this guy. Really fat, really big. [00:56:51] Speaker B: Yeah, he's not that bad. He's just filled out. [00:57:06] Speaker A: Be older than that. Be a lot older than that. [00:57:10] Speaker B: No. [00:57:11] Speaker C: What's his Wikipedia mate? He'd be my age, 50s. [00:57:16] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:57:22] Speaker C: God, he looks like the singer at a ya. Aha. [00:57:24] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:57:25] Speaker C: In the eighties. [00:57:26] Speaker B: Well, they all dress the same. They all had the same hairstyle. Yeah. [00:57:32] Speaker A: Born in 1978, so do the math. [00:57:35] Speaker B: He's younger than me. [00:57:36] Speaker C: Wow. [00:57:42] Speaker A: That'S another. [00:57:43] Speaker C: Nice. [00:57:43] Speaker A: That's another one nice. [00:57:47] Speaker B: Can't be younger than me. [00:57:50] Speaker A: It's a different person. [00:57:51] Speaker B: Yeah. Okay. Call us. [00:57:53] Speaker A: My Google search fucked up. [00:57:55] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:57:58] Speaker C: This is why we have no script. [00:57:59] Speaker B: Yeah. It's gonna be even better when we get the beer people in and we talk beer and music. [00:58:06] Speaker C: I'm very excited for that, Paul. [00:58:09] Speaker B: And I'm dying to get hold of Billy Fields now. So I need a. I need someone now to do all this stuff for me when I'm at work. They can just go and organize everything because the other. The other podcast and YouTube channels are going off as well. They're going crazy. [00:58:27] Speaker C: I'm not sure what Billy fields as much as a loving to get on, and. And he would create a lot of subscribers. But how old was Billy Field? Didn't we check this last Wednesday? 78. [00:58:39] Speaker B: Yeah. Doesn't matter how young. [00:58:41] Speaker A: Okay. Looks like Scott card does not have any sort of beyond. Kitchen. The kitchen. He has nothing. No. No footprint. [00:58:57] Speaker B: He does. [00:58:57] Speaker A: He. [00:58:58] Speaker B: It's his arm. He owns a production company that. Because there's him. Brian Mannix. Um, Brian Mannix. Yeah, the guy from. The guy from boom crash. Opera. [00:59:14] Speaker A: Kelly. X men. [00:59:15] Speaker B: Yeah, they all ride at sale Rider. They all, like, do the eighties tour. They do a show. The eighties tour or something. They all go around together and. And it's Scott Khan's management company that looks after it. Is it Carney or Khan? There you go. [00:59:35] Speaker C: Scott Khan. [00:59:36] Speaker A: I can't get his worst. Oh. [00:59:42] Speaker C: Yeah, Melbourne. [00:59:43] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:59:46] Speaker C: Now, here's something that I didn't know you probably did. Big pig, Melbourne. I did not know big pig was a Melbourne band. [00:59:55] Speaker B: Yeah. Didn't it? [00:59:57] Speaker C: And I only worked it out under a year ago and I went bonk. I. You wait till my next one might. I don't give a shit what the theme is. I'm putting. I'm putting big thing in there. [01:00:09] Speaker B: Deborah. That's not Deborah Conway, was it? That wasn't Deborah Conway, was it? [01:00:13] Speaker C: No, no. [01:00:14] Speaker B: Who did Conway play for? Who did she used to sing with? Deborah Conway. Because she's still pretty active as well, with. I'm trying to think. Deborah Conway. [01:00:31] Speaker A: Deborah Conway. Wikipedia. [01:00:47] Speaker C: Yeah. [01:00:50] Speaker B: There you go. [01:00:50] Speaker C: Big pig was mushroom. [01:00:52] Speaker A: So. [01:00:53] Speaker C: Mushroom records. [01:00:54] Speaker B: Wow. [01:00:56] Speaker A: I don't. Going back to what you were saying, Brad, though, like, back in the day, back in the eighties, nineties. And probably it's still now, the big live music scenes in Australia were Melbourne and Perth. [01:01:08] Speaker B: Yeah. [01:01:08] Speaker A: So any australian back? Most australian bands, most of them came out of Melbourne or Perth. [01:01:15] Speaker C: So 1927 is Perth. [01:01:17] Speaker B: Yeah. The guy from 1920. [01:01:20] Speaker C: No, I thought they were american. No, american. [01:01:23] Speaker B: No, 1927. The guy lives here in Perth. [01:01:27] Speaker C: Eric. Wait a minute. [01:01:29] Speaker B: Yeah, he's in Perth. Yeah, he lives in Perth. [01:01:33] Speaker A: Yeah. [01:01:33] Speaker C: When he's not touring. I thought so. And Leo Sayer lives out on the paddock, set up past one route. No, he did, yeah. [01:01:42] Speaker A: No, still. He still does. And what's his face from the shadows. [01:01:50] Speaker B: The boogeyman. [01:01:53] Speaker C: John Farnham lives in the. In the. On acres out at South Australia. John Farnham. [01:02:01] Speaker A: Hank Marvin. Hank. Bit before. [01:02:05] Speaker B: Yep. [01:02:05] Speaker A: 54 hours time. Hank Martin. But he lives up. Well, last I heard, he lived up in Bullsbrook. [01:02:10] Speaker B: Oh, just gonna. I was gonna be a real cheeky bugger. I'm just gonna can't do it wrong. It's good. Go there. You know, I've gone. I'm just gonna pull up YouTube. I still go back to videos. Oops. No, don't do that. Don't do that. Don't do that. Oh, dear. I hate it when YouTube goes. [01:02:39] Speaker C: When was the last time you saw 1927 Al Mount Droid? And I'll say it now because we saw. We store him in February and she's looking his age. He actually looks like he's looking his age. [01:02:53] Speaker A: No, mine would have been a long, long time ago. [01:02:59] Speaker C: So the last I did him, I did security with him and that probably would have been six, seven years ago. And I saw him in. In February, just this year. And I went, Jesus, you guys. Shit, you've aged. [01:03:11] Speaker B: Who was that? [01:03:12] Speaker C: How old would he be? Eric Widowman? Oh, he would look, he. I don't know how old he is, but he looks mid late sixties. [01:03:20] Speaker B: He doesn't know anything like he used to look like. [01:03:23] Speaker C: No, nothing, mate. He's height is the only way I knew was him. Yeah, but nothing like he used to. [01:03:32] Speaker B: El just prompted me when he said about the guitarist on pop rock radio a few months back. I got to speak to Nathan Cavalieri. You remember him? [01:03:41] Speaker A: Oh, yeah. [01:03:45] Speaker B: No, no, he's in Sydney. He's in Sydney. Based out of Sydney. And, um. [01:03:51] Speaker C: And then, speaking of Cavalieri, is that Joe's brother or. [01:03:55] Speaker B: No relation. No relation. [01:03:58] Speaker C: No relation. No. Jesus. [01:04:02] Speaker B: And then we got to speak to. Johnny Diesel was talking about Jimmy Barnes, that we saw Johnny Diesel not long ago, too, and got to speak to him as well. [01:04:11] Speaker C: What's the relationship of that one again? Johnny Diesel and Jimmy. [01:04:15] Speaker B: Johnny's son in laws? No, no. Jimmy Barnes's wife and her sister. Her sister's married to Johnny Diesel. The two. The two was his wife. [01:04:26] Speaker C: Jane. Jane's sister is married to that wife of Johnny Diesel? [01:04:30] Speaker B: Yep. Yep. It's amazing. The people we get to speak to is like. So be really good. Anyway, hunt some more people down. There we go. We've gone over our hour mark. You tell ours you can sense it. [01:04:45] Speaker A: I did that. And I can smell my dinner. [01:04:49] Speaker B: Hope it's not painting. [01:04:56] Speaker A: It was shocking. [01:04:57] Speaker B: Yeah. Yeah. [01:05:00] Speaker C: Paul and I had birthday celebrations and cake and everything. [01:05:02] Speaker B: Yeah. Yeah. We had everything going. [01:05:05] Speaker A: No. You know. You didn't know. What's the show? You're lying. [01:05:09] Speaker B: It was afterwards. It was afterwards. [01:05:12] Speaker C: You couldn't see behind the scenes. [01:05:14] Speaker B: It was backstage. Yeah. [01:05:19] Speaker A: My name's stupid. [01:05:21] Speaker B: Pardon? Oh, yeah. I've got. I've got the shirt. I've bought the shirts. I've got the shirts. All I'm going to do now is I'm going to craft it tomorrow and I won't be back till Thursday. Then I'm going to the Pierce brothers Thursday night. So it'll be this weekend coming that I'll get to make up the t shirts for a pair of old jocks. I was going to put the logo on the chest somewhere about. Maybe just logo here. And then on the back I was going to put a quote from Al. Yeah, I'm old and nap. [01:05:52] Speaker A: Pair of three legged jocks. [01:05:56] Speaker B: But. [01:05:57] Speaker C: But you didn't, did ya? [01:05:59] Speaker A: Yeah, didn't, did ya? [01:06:01] Speaker B: So this weekend I'll have to put more together. So. [01:06:05] Speaker C: Yeah, we should do that in barley this time, mate. We've been doing a barley for twelve years and every year we've gone, we need to get this shirt done. [01:06:13] Speaker B: Yep. [01:06:13] Speaker C: And we still never have done it. And we're not getting younger. [01:06:16] Speaker B: No. Well, I'll have these ones done on the weekend. I've got it all ready to go. [01:06:20] Speaker C: Potentially could be our last trip to Bali whilst we're both there together. And certainly if it's not our last, it'll be our last for a few years. [01:06:28] Speaker B: Why not? Why that? Why? [01:06:31] Speaker A: Oh, it's. [01:06:33] Speaker C: It won't be going. [01:06:35] Speaker B: Yeah. [01:06:35] Speaker C: Yeah. [01:06:36] Speaker A: Yeah. [01:06:36] Speaker C: You'll still be going. Yeah. Yeah. Probably won't be coming from. [01:06:40] Speaker B: From over east attack. [01:06:42] Speaker C: Well, how much did you pay out? I paid 540 return. [01:06:48] Speaker A: Um. [01:06:49] Speaker B: That's all right. It's not bad at all. [01:06:54] Speaker C: Jetstar was 970. [01:06:56] Speaker B: That's cheaper than flying from Perth to Sydney or Perth to Melbourne. [01:07:01] Speaker C: Yeah, I'll pay. I pay 900 to go to Perth in July. [01:07:04] Speaker B: You might as well go. Go fly a barley. [01:07:08] Speaker C: Yeah. It's ridiculous. I know. It's like. Because I wasn't. I said to, I said to, you know, Beck, I'm not paying a $1,000. No, stuff that. [01:07:16] Speaker B: Yeah. [01:07:16] Speaker C: So where we searched other airlines. And so batting air was 540 return. Brisbane. [01:07:21] Speaker B: Wow. [01:07:21] Speaker C: Direct. [01:07:22] Speaker A: And the boutiques. Nothing wrong with boutique. I've flown them. They're fine. [01:07:27] Speaker C: Absolutely. [01:07:32] Speaker A: Eurasia, both ways. [01:07:35] Speaker C: I didn't even know that. I didn't even know they're still going. [01:07:37] Speaker B: I thought it was a band. Was that Eurasia? [01:07:43] Speaker A: Europe. Anyway, I gotta go. I gotta go. I'm gonna have a pee break. [01:07:47] Speaker B: Okay. Let me, let me put them. Let me put the goodbye screen on and we'll see everyone next week. All right, Cheerio. [01:07:53] Speaker C: Next. Next Monday. [01:07:54] Speaker B: Yeah. [01:07:55] Speaker C: See you viewers subscribe. [01:07:57] Speaker B: Yeah, good night.

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